Welcome to Westfield Primary School and Nursery
I am incredibly proud to be Headteacher at such a great school where children, staff, governors and parents work extremely hard and have high expectations of one another. The wonderful team at Westfield is committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning, achieved through a combination of challenge, support, encouragement and praise to ensure that all students reach their full potential.
At Westfield you will find a friendly, caring and purposeful environment where relationships are built on mutual respect and where all families from the local and wider community are welcomed.
Our school motto is “Learning for Life” as we all believe that instilling a love of learning and developing different learning skills is vital in preparing children for their future lives. We want our children to leave Westfield as confident and highly motivated independent learners who are caring and positive citizens.
I hope you enjoy exploring this website and finding out about our school.
If you would like to visit us, please contact Mrs Connor in the school office to arrange an appointment. I am always happy to show people around our successful school.
Simon Mills