The school aims to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children living in our local community. We believe that all children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. This will be readily accessible to them and they will be fully included in all aspects of school life.
A child has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or has a disability, which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities and provision. We believe that inclusion is essential in ensuring the equality of opportunity for all learners whatever ability or background.
We know and understand many pupils will have trouble at some time in their education. We continually assess and plan for your child, this enables us to identify, plan and deliver any additional help your child may need (this could be targeted work, additional support, adapting resources etc.) In addition, discussing amendments with support staff or the SENCo as necessary.
We use SEN Support Plans (SSPs) to support children if an additional need is identified and this will provide targeted support. Teachers then share and review these plans with parents at least 3 times a year. We constantly look for the impact of the additional provision and consider the next small step for each child.
Parents have commented:
You make such a difference to our child’s life with constant support.
Thank you for being so approachable and understanding.
It’s great, we are kept up to date with our child’s progress and targets.
And children have also said:
I like doing my special jobs and I know my targets.
I know which adults help me and I can talk to them.
Breakfast club helps me feel ready for school.
It’s not a competition and my teacher helps me in different ways.
I actually like a challenge, but sometimes it is hard.
The nurture group is good and we can talk about our feelings and worries.
For a few children who have complex SEN, they may need personalised support delivered through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The SENCo, Mrs Sally Campbell, will apply to the local authority for a needs assessment and additional funding.
Our school works closely with the Local Authority and other agencies to help ensure the needs of all pupils are met:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Educational Psychology service
- Behaviour Support Specialist teachers
- Child and Adolescent mental Health Service
- School Nursing Team
- Children missing education Officers
- Special School Outreach
- Physiotherapy