Westfield Primary School is committed to inclusion and supporting all children to achieve their best and flourish. We pride ourselves on supporting the whole child.

The school aims to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children living in our local community.  We believe that all children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum.  This will be readily accessible to them and they will be fully included in all aspects of school life. 

A child has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or has a disability, which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities and provision.  We believe that inclusion is essential in ensuring the equality of opportunity for all learners whatever ability or background.

We know and understand many pupils will have trouble at some time in their education.  We continually assess and plan for your child, this enables us to identify, plan and deliver any additional help your child may need (this could be targeted work, additional support, adapting resources etc.) In addition, discussing amendments with support staff or the SENCo as necessary.

We use SEN Support Plans (SSPs) to support children if an additional need is identified and this will provide targeted support.  Teachers then share and review these plans with parents at least 3 times a year. We constantly look for the impact of the additional provision and consider the next small step for each child.

Parents have commented:

You make such a difference to our child’s life with constant support. 

Thank you for being so approachable and understanding.

It’s great, we are kept up to date with our child’s progress and targets.

And children have also said:

I like doing my special jobs and I know my targets.

I know which adults help me and I can talk to them.

Breakfast club helps me feel ready for school.

It’s not a competition and my teacher helps me in different ways.

I actually like a challenge, but sometimes it is hard.

The nurture group is good and we can talk about our feelings and worries.

For a few children who have complex SEN, they may need personalised support delivered through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  The SENCo, Mrs Sally Campbell, will apply to the local authority for a needs assessment and additional funding.

Our school works closely with the Local Authority and other agencies to help ensure the needs of all pupils are met:  

  • Speech and Language Therapy 
  • Occupational Therapy  
  • Educational Psychology service 
  • Behaviour Support Specialist teachers
  • Child and Adolescent mental Health Service
  • School Nursing Team 
  • Children missing education Officers  
  • Special School Outreach
  • Physiotherapy

Emotional Support and Development

What support will there be for my child’s emotional wellbeing?

As a school we are dedicated to inclusive practice. This is reflected very strongly in our school ethos and values.

The school offers a range of pastoral support for children who are encountering emotional difficulties.

Thrive Approach:

Thrive Approach is a dynamic, developmental and trauma-sensitive approach to meeting the emotional and social needs of children.  Thrive enables them to develop into healthy, happy, confident children and help them make the best opportunities in life.
Our SENCo, Mrs Campbell is a licensed Thrive practitioner. 

ELSA Support:

We are lucky enough to have a member of staff trained in ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who will be able to cover such areas as emotions, bereavement, anger management and counselling.


Mentoring Plus:

Children facing emotional difficulties can be expertly supported by a dedicated in-school mentor.  Experienced and trained practitioners offer sessions on a regular school day, giving young people space to talk and reflect and develop coping strategies.


Nurture Support:

Westfield Primary School is a nurture aware school, where we use short-term interventions for children with particular social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, which may act as a barrier to their learning. 

Westfield may also be able to access support from elsewhere.  Please talk to us about your concerns, so that we can work together to help your child feel better.

  • Your family GP can check any physical symptoms linked to your child’s health and talk with you about their emotional well-being making a referral to a specialist service if necessary e.g. a paediatrician.
  • Our School Nurse can provide advice to parents/carers and support on a range of health issues.
  • Where necessary, referrals may be made to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or an organisation such as ‘Off the Record’, a free NHS service that assesses and treats children with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.

How accessible is Westfield Primary School for my child?

We are committed to meeting the individual needs of our pupils, and make reasonable adjustments.  As part of the annual review of school premises carried out by the MNSP, accessibility issues are always considered in light of any individual need.  Our school is well supported by occupational and physiotherapists enabling us to make our school a safe environment. 

SEND Partnership Service

The SEND Partnership Service (SPS) provides free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about matters relating to special educational need or disability, including health and social care. Their Advice Line is 01225 394382 and is available Monday to Thursday 10.00am to 3.00pm. There is an answerphone outside of these hours. You can also email:  send_partnershipservice@bathnes.gov.uk

Further Links:




Thrive approach for parents:


ELSA support:
